Monday 16th of December 2019

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What Is Social Media?

Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. The main platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, WhatsApp & YouTube.

How Can Businesses’ Use Social Media?

Social media is used to market products, promote brands, connect to current customers and foster new business. Businesses can take advantage of both organic and paid posts/campaigns.

What Is Social Media Analytics?

Social media analytics are a way to monitor, track and report on your current posts or campaigns, to measure their effectiveness. These are super useful for all marketeers.

Why Is Social Media Analytics Useful?

Social media analytics are very useful because they can indicate whether or not a post, campaign is working and delivering correctly. This will enable you to save money, time and the amount of time that you stress.



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